
Sunglasses And Bows

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Coming home from college, there are always the obligatory appointments to be made.
Eye doctor and dentist appointments are always on the top of the list.
Appointments that used to be made in a leisurely fashion are now made on a timeline.
Appointments that are made in advance and are kept to the best of our ability.

This is the reality for my youngest daughter who is home for Christmas break.
A visit to the eye doctor last week and the dentist this week.
I remember the days when all five children would have dentist appointments back to back.
We would be in the waiting room for quite a while.

Age and schedules made the family appointments impossible as years went on.
But at the time, despite the wait, it was much easier to do it all at once.
I smiled remembering my response as they finished their check-up and teeth cleaning.
I would shield my eyes and say, Your smile is so bright; I need sunglasses.

When they were younger, they would giggle at my excitement.
They loved the fact that their smile was dazzling.
They loved another thing that I told them often.
When they would ask what I wanted for Christmas or my birthday, I gave one answer.


Just put a big bow on top of your head and you will be my present.
A few of them tried to put the sticky Christmas bows on top of their head.
They cherished the thrill of being Mommy’s present.

They were not just words.
They were not just age appropriate cliches.
Their smile did brighten my day!
They were indeed my gift!

They knew it, too!
Often, on a hard day, on one of those nothing is going right days I would see it.
I would see the imaginary red bow sitting on top of their head.
My gift from God.

Children need to know they are a gift.
Children need to know that their smile brightens your day.
Children need to feel that unconditional love.
Children are not a burden; children are a blessing.

The older ones grew out of the sunglasses and bows remark.
They went along for the sake of the younger ones and nodded their head in agreement.
They were learning the value of worth in the little things.
They were learning that they mattered from the top of their head right down to their toes.

My little friend, who draws pictures and books, came over to visit with me after church.
She was wearing a beautiful party dress.
A party dress with a twirly skirt, as I called it when I was little.
She had a pearl necklace around her neck.

You look so beautiful, I told her, and I love your pearl necklace!
It is my mom’s but I don’t know why she let me wear it today.
I know why, I said with certainty, because you’re very grown up and she can trust you.
She beamed!

Just a few little words to encourage.
Just a few little words to let a child know they are a gift.
I often think that I should carry actual red bows in my purse.
Rather than an actual bow, I affirm the gift that they are with my words.

Isn’t that what God did?
Didn’t God give the Gift of His Son?
Jesus, a tiny baby in His mother’s arms, must have smiled up at her as He nursed.
That smile must have been dazzlingly bright.

And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. (Luke 2:52)
Jesus, fully God and fully man, needed encouragement as He grew.
Jesus needed to be taught just like any other child.
Imagine how delighted Jesus must have been when he heard His Father’s voice.

And a voice from heaven said, “This is My Son, whom I love, with Him I am well pleased.” (John 3:17)

Come to the cradle, come and find peace.
Alone in the cradle, simplicity sleeps.
Behold perfect wisdom, so gentle and mild.
In the innocent, upward, trusting glance of a child.

Come hear the call of sweet sighs in the night.
Their touch is tender, it touches your heart.
The bustle and business lasts year after year.
But this little baby won’t always be here.

Come to the cradle, come and find peace.
Alone in the cradle, simplicity sleeps.
Behold perfect wisdom, so gentle and mild.
In the innocent, upward, trusting glance of a child.

When God gives a gift He wraps it up in a child.
He made them, loves them, so wondrously wild.
And so you are chosen and called out for prayer.
So come to the cradle, He waits for you there.
(Come To The Cradle, by Michael Card)

When God gives a gift, He wraps it up in a child.
That simple truth is for you and for me.
God wraps up a gift every time a child is born.
Every child has a figurative red bow on their head.

God gave a Gift and wrapped it up in Jesus.
Jesus did not have a red bow, but rather a crown of thorns on His head.
Jesus laid aside His heavenly crown and took on the crown of this fallen world.
His red blood was upon His head.

That red blood is our Gift.
That red blood is what will save us.
That salvation will bring us so much heavenly joy, even in the midst of earthly sorrows.
Joy with dazzling brightness that some will shield their eyes from, so as not to see.

Come to the cradle this Christmas.
Maybe for the first time.
Maybe for the thousandth time.

See the Gift that God wrapped just for you.
The God who made Himself nothing so that we could be something.
The God who makes the sunglasses and bows possible.
Are you smiling yet?


Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

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