In The Least Likely Places
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I needed a watch battery.
I stopped at the kiosk in the mall.
The same kiosk that has helped me nine times before.
My little punch card reminded me of that fact.
Through the years I have had many watch batteries replaced there.
Different watch batteries for different watches.
The watch that needed a battery was my spare watch.
I was wearing the watch that I always wear but I wanted to ask them a question about it.
I handed over the watch that needed the battery.
I handed over my little punch card.
Well, this battery is free, this young man said.
Really? I thought the next one would be free, looking at the card in confusion.
No, this is your tenth battery, so it is free, he said with excitement.
But you get a new punch card the next time you come in so you can begin again.
Well, that made my day!
It was such an unexpected treat.
I was wondering if you could help me with this watch that I wear everyday?
The glass face has a small crack in it, I said holding out the watch for him to see.
I wish I could help you, but we don’t work on watch faces, he said as opened my spare watch.
You will have to take it to a jeweler since it requires a different kind of tool.
I thought so, I said, wondering how the crack got there in the first place.
I looked at the T-shirt he was wearing.
I like your shirt, I said and I meant it.
It had a picture of the Cat In The Hat reading a book.
The words underneath the picture said, Read any good books, Bro?
It made me smile.
My sister gave it to me, but it really was my mom, he said wanting to say more.
My sister has special needs so my mom buys the gift but it’s from my sister.
Well that makes it even more special, I said as I watched his face.
Anything she gives me is special to me, he said with a catch in his throat.
Well, the shirt is perfect, in fact I have a son who would probably wear that.
Do you remember School House Rock? I asked reminding him of the PBS show.
He proceeded to semi-sing the song, I’m A Bill From Capitol Hill.
My son is a lawyer; I got him a shirt with that on it and he loves it, I shared.
Now that’s the perfect gift, the young man said with a wink.
I told him I had five children when he asked; he said he was one of seven.
What a blessing to come from a big family, I said and meant it.
He was fourth in the lineup.
I could tell he was especially close to his sister with special needs.
It is a blessing, he said stressing the word blessing.
He kept talking as he worked on my watch.
He mentioned that he had class later that day.
Where do you go to school? I asked him.
He named a Christian college nearby.
I knew we had the Lord in common, I said so happy that my inclination was right.
I knew it, too, he said with kind eyes.
Spirit talks to Spirit, I said as he shook his head in agreement.
Thank you so much, I said as he handed my watch back to me.
Enjoy your class today, I said as I left the kiosk.
I glanced over my shoulder.
The young man was giving me a thumbs up sign.
I walked away smiling from the encounter.
I got on the escalator and pondered what just took place.
God sprinkles His people everywhere.
That truth was forefront in my brain.
I had to write it down.
God sprinkles His people in the strangest places.
Everywhere we look, God’s people are there.
We only have to talk for a few minutes and we know.
Spirit does talk to Spirit.
God’s people know each other.
There is nothing definitive that one can point to.
It is known in the countenance, in the words, in the actions, and in the eyes.
God’s Spirit is in the eyes.
When my children were sick with a fever, they never had dancing eyes.
There was a glaze over the eyes that was a tell-tale sign that they were sick.
When the fever broke, the eyes returned to normal.
I knew they were better when their eyes danced again.
God’s people have dancing eyes.
God’s people have a radiance that cannot be faked.
God’s people have a peace that cannot be manufactured.
God’s people have a joy that comes from deep within.
Spirit talks to Spirit and makes Himself known.
God sprinkles His people in places you would never dream.
We are a sprinkled people.
We are God’s sprinkled people.
When Moses went and told the people all the Lord’s words and laws, they responded with one voice, “Everything the Lord has said we will do.” Moses then wrote down everything the Lord had said. He got up early the next morning and built and altar at the foot of the mountain and set up twelve stone pillars representing the twelve tribes of Israel. Then he sent young Israelite men, and they offered burnt offerings and sacrificed young bulls as fellowship offerings to the Lord. Moses took half of the blood and put it in bowls, and the other half he sprinkled on the altar. Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read it to the people. They responded, “We will do everything the Lord has said; we will obey.” Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the people and said, “This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words.” (Exodus 24:3-8)
Sprinkled people.
Sprinkled with the blood of lambs and bulls in preparation for what was to come.
Sprinkled with the Blood of the Lamb of God for salvation through faith in Jesus alone.
We are God’s sprinkled people.
God’s people are everywhere.
God’s people are in the least likely places.
You will find them by first being one of them.
If you are sprinkled with the Blood of the Lamb you will find others.
Spirit talks to Spirit.
Go, be God’s people.
The joy that is evidence of saving faith will splash over to other lives.
It has to!
Go, look for God’s people.
They are there.
Their joy is effervescent.
It has to be; nothing can contain it.
Sprinkled people, arise!
Make Him known.
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