
Getting Blood Drawn

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This is the time of year I usually get my cholesterol numbers checked.
It means an annual visit to the facility that draws blood.
It means remembering the script that was given to me months in advance.
It is routine and enables me take proactive care of my health.

I made the appointment and put it on my calendar.
I knew that I would have to fast from eating or drinking at least twelve hours before.
I actually fasted fourteen hours before.
It just worked out that way from the time we finished dinner until the time of my appointment.

I made sure that I drank a lot of water.
The phlebotomist always seems to have a hard time finding a vein in my arm.
She sees me each year and remembers that about me.
Make sure you drink a lot of water, she always tells me, it will make it a bit easier.

Why is it when you cannot have something, you want it more?
There are mornings when my breakfast is delayed for one reason or another.
That never presents a problem.
However, knowing that I cannot eat or drink from the night before is very difficult.

I put some nuts and healthy ancient grain granola in a bag.
I had a small container of almond milk ready for when I was allowed to eat and drink.
I had my usual travel mug of water.
I drove to the place I usually go to each year.

I put the food and drink out of sight.
I knew that soon enough, I would be able to enjoy it.
I pulled into a parking space and went inside.
Only two other people were in the waiting room.

Some people choose to come in as a walk-in patient.
Others of us make an appointment online first to be sure that we are on the schedule.
The appointment patients are always called before the walk-in patients.
You have to check that box on the sign-in clipboard so they call you back in the right order.

One of the other people waiting was called next.
When that person was done, my name was called.
I felt a bit awkward going ahead of an older gentleman who was sitting there.
However, the woman behind the counter is very precise and follows the rules to the letter.

I remember once remarking that I felt bad about going ahead of someone else.
We encourage everyone to make appointments, she said in a matter of fact tone.
And that was that.
There was no discussion.

The woman who sits at the desk and checks every patient in, is also the phlebotomist.
On an exceptionally busy day, she runs back and forth, handling everything it seems.
Why don’t you have any help? I asked her once when she was visibly overwhelmed.
Because they don’t think I need any since this is a small facility, she said.

I asked her if there was someone at a main office I could call about being short staffed.
She said that a call may only make things worse for her.
I honored her wishes and never called.
That was last year; this year she still had no help.

I got in the chair and pulled up my left sleeve.
You’ve been drinking water, she said with a wink.
Yes, and I did it all for you, I said with a smile.
In minutes, she was finished; I had to verify that the vial was my blood and sign a form.

She told me to hold a piece of cotton over the place where she just drew blood.
She checked it and then pulled off a piece of tape to tape the cotton down on my arm.
Did you put lotion on today? She asked.
I did, I answered wondering if she could smell the scent.

I knew it, she continued, the tape won’t stick.
Sure enough, the long piece of tape kept popping up.
My perfume scented lotion would not allow the tape to adhere to my skin.
It’s okay, I said as I pulled my sleeve down, trying to hold the cotton in place.

I said goodby and went to my car.
I had my simple breakfast before I drove away.
I thought of her words.
The tape won’t stick.

He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” (1 Peter 2:24)

It is never fun to get blood drawn.
It is not fun to get your arm stuck with a pointy needle.
The devil, our accuser, tries to hurt us with his accusations.
Those accusations can prick us worse than any needle and stab us worse than any knife.

I thought of the tape not sticking to my arm that had been coated with lotion hours before.
The lotion penetrated my skin but enough was still on my arm that the tape would not adhere.
Do we have such a lotion to protect us from the accusations of the enemy?
Is it possible that the devil’s schemes will just not stick to us?

In Christ, it is possible.
Knowing who we are in Him, gives us surety.
We know that we are loved and forgiven if we are in Christ.
That is everything we need to know.

The accusations will still taunt us.
The shame and guilt will still be felt.
However, the fiery darts of the enemy will not stick.
They will not adhere to our soul.

Praise God!

The pointy needle pricked my arm but only for a second.
The lotion kept the tape from sticking to me.
We are covered with the blood of Christ if we are in Him.
That covering repels the enemies fiery darts and accusations that come our way.

In Christ, we can honestly say: It just won’t stick.
Everything the enemy could throw our way, was thrown on Jesus.
The wrath of God was poured out on His Son for our sake.
The wrath of God stuck to Jesus so it would not stick to us.

That is good news!

Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


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