
The Way They Told The News

Posted in Family Life | 4 Comments

The text came in the afternoon.
It was from my son.
I read it and smiled.
Texts and phone calls from my children always make me smile.

Mama, we’re feeling like some good home cookin’.
Could we come for dinner tonight?
The answer to his question was an easy, Yes, followed by joyful emojis.
I was having a simple dinner but I knew I could make it stretch.

My youngest daughter was working and had a few errands to run.
There would be a warm plate for her when she got home.
I set the table for the four of us.
I had my ears tuned to the sound of their car door closing.

I heard it.
The familiar sound of their car door was music to my ears.
I knew that they would be bringing their dog.
I expected to see them stopping in the back yard before coming inside.

I looked out my kitchen window.
I saw, Piper, their Springer Spaniel that I have come to love.
I knew that Piper had her favorite spots in the back yard.
In just a few minutes, they would all be inside.

As I looked out, I saw that Piper had something around her collar.
When Piper is groomed, a bandana is often put around her.
I assumed that must be the case, though this bandana looked a bit different.
I had just stirred something on the stove as I heard the kitchen door open.

My husband came into the kitchen.
I stood beside him ready to give the hello hugs that I enjoy so much.
Piper came inside with my son.
My daughter-in-love stood back a bit.

I looked down at Piper and saw it.
I could not believe my eyes.
It was not a bandana from the groomers that was around her collar.
It was a pair of tiny baby socks.

I started to squeal in delight.
I remember hitting my husband’s arm and pointing to the collar.
His engineer brain did not process all of the little details at that moment.
A baby! They’re having a baby!

The hello hugs, that I love so much, became hugs of sheer joy.
Hugs of congratulations.
Hugs of rejoicing.
The baby on-the-way-kind-of-hug that is precious and ever so sweet.

My son…a daddy!
My sweet daughter-in-love, standing a foot shorter than my son, carrying a baby inside her.
I looked at the parents-to-be.
I could not have been more delighted at that moment.

Thank you, Father, I prayed.
Thank you for this precious baby.
They had just found out their wonderful news.
They just had to share it with us.

All through dinner, we talked about the baby.
We heard how my son was told the joyful news.
We heard about his tender response to his wife.
We heard about their hopes and dreams.

It was just the four of us at the table.
The same table where my son sat all his life.
The same table where I heard about school and friends.
The same table where our family gathered each night for dinner.

Now, at this table, the next generation was sitting in front of me.
A precious grandbaby growing inside his or her mother.
My heart was full.
I saw the joy on their faces; I heard the joy in their hearts.

The hard part was keeping the news inside for months.
I wanted to shout it from the rooftop.
It was their news.
It was their joyous proclamation.

I looked at Piper and saw the pair of baby socks still on her collar.
That pair of socks that will one day be on the baby.
I looked at the faces of my son and daughter-in-love.
Their joy was palpable.

I watched as my daughter-in-love touched her belly a few times during dinner.
Her belly looked the same on the outside but on the inside, there was new life.
I looked at my son as he glanced lovingly at his wife.
He will be a good daddy and she will be an amazing mommy.

My heart was about to burst.
The joy was so rich and so sweet.
God, in His sovereignty, saw fit to bless them with a child.
God, in His sovereignty, saw fit to bring another baby into our family.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4)

They formally announced the news of their baby to everyone.
There is a new wave of excitement.
We, as a family, can now share the news we were bursting to tell.
This precious baby is already so very loved.

A baby is a gift from God’s hands.
When God gives a gift, He wraps it up in a child. (Michael Card)
God wraps that gift up in every child; they are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
God wrapped the Gift of His Son in a baby, lying in a manger.

And so we wait.
We pray.
We rejoice.
We trust God, the Giver of good gifts.

Our joy is overflowing.

Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


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