Gems In Her Pocket
Posted in Salvation 2 Comments
Our son, daughter-in-love, and two of our granddaughters were here with us for two weeks.
They were having some work done on their house, while they were here.
As my daughter-in-love said, We make good roommates.
We do!
It is one thing to love your children, their spouses, and your grandchildren.
It is another thing to like them.
To like them as people and enjoy their company.
We do! We truly do!
My husband and I stayed upstairs a little longer to give them time in the morning.
My son works remotely and loves getting the girls up.
At 5 1/2 and 2 1/2 years old, they enjoy choosing their outfits and dressing themselves.
He would get their breakfast and get ready to start his day.
I woke up each morning to the sound of their little voices.
The younger one sings all the time.
I heard, the Happy Birthday and the alphabet song as each day began.
I heard a sinister laugh of the Beast as they played with Belle and the princesses.
It was a joy for my husband and I to have all of them for an extended period of time.
The older one, in kindergarten, had school work to complete.
Her teacher and her friends missed her so much.
Keeping up with her letters, her math, and her reading was important to her.
I had things on my calendar that remained there, including Bible study in my home.
Everyone scattered for the morning so we women could still study the Word together.
The temperature was frigid during their stay and we got about seven inches of snow.
As the women left through the garage, they looked at my back stairs and smiled.
Halfway up the stairs, there were shoes and boots just like when my children were young.
The shaker peg rail, at the bottom of the stairs, was filled with their coats and vests.
A boot tray was near the door, holding their boots.
Snow pants hung on a rack in the laundry room to dry after their winter play.
Signs of life were everywhere.
I thought of the Steven Curtis Chapman lyrics from the song of the same name.
Now I’ve got crayons rolling around in the floorboard of my car
Bicycles all over my driveway, bats and balls all over my yard
And there’s a plastic man from outer space sitting in my chair
The signs of life are everywhere
My older granddaughter wore a mermaid dress up outfit, which she only took off at dinnertime.
She wore sparkly shoes that she got from her aunt at Christmas, which completed her outfit.
She loved the way the shoes clicked on all our hardwood floors.
We grownups occasionally asked her to walk on the rugs after the clicking was a bit much.
It was the littlest one that became an object lesson for me.
She was sitting on the window seat in the kitchen.
She had her coat on, since they were getting ready to go outside.
She reached in the pocket of her coat and pulled out something that was now in her hand.
Grandma, look at my gems! She said with excitement and awe.
There in her hand, with the sun shining through the window, were sparkly gems.
She held them out closer for me to see.
In reality, the gems were simply rock salt that my husband had put on our walkways.
They shimmered in the sun and glistened in her hands.
How beautiful, I exclaimed with enthusiasm.
Can Grandma hold them?
She carefully handed them to me as if they were the crown jewels.
Bits of rock salt were in my palm.
But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. (2 Corinthians 4:7)
God chose mere humans to carry around the treasure of the Gospel.
Rock salt to those who are perishing.
Treasure to those who believe.
God uses earthen ware to spread the Gospel.
I looked at this little one and thought of that truth.
Gems in her pocket that, in reality, was simply rock salt.
Treasure in jars of clay that, in reality, is the life giving message of salvation.
Isn’t it just like God to do something like that?
Signs of life are everywhere.
Look for them.
Be amazed.
This world is really wonder-filled.
Wow Gina, Just wow!! Tears are flowing!!
What a gift you have!! What a God we serve!
I am so delighted that you were blessed by this Whisper. Yes, we serve an amazing God.