Category Archives: Daily Living


The Old Library

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The library that my children and I used to visit is no longer a library.
The library that my children and I used to visit was actually a house.
I think the fact that it was a house is what I loved the most.
I was walking into history every time we walked through the door.

The historic stone house dates to the 1800.
The house was part of the Underground Railroad during the Civil War.
The beauty of the mill work, the latches, and doorknobs, added to its charm.
The historic stone house became the town’s library in 1914.



A Listening Heart

There was a congregational meeting at church.
We waited until everyone arrived so there would be a quorum.
When that number was achieved, the meeting proceeded.
The main points were laid out and directions were given if there were any questions.

A microphone was set up so that if someone had a question, they could walk up to the front.
A voice was heard from the congregation.
What about if you are in a wheelchair?
Everyone smiled since we all knew the man who said those words.



Steps And Potholes

Driving on the roads this time of year is like driving on an obstacle course.
The winter freeze, followed by a bit of thawing, wreak havoc on the roads.
This is the time of year for potholes.
I do not mean small indentations; I mean actual holes in the road.

Some potholes are deceiving after if rains or the snow melts.
The potholes that could easily be seen become filled with water.
Some unsuspecting driver will feel as if they have been swallowed up.
It is a broken axle waiting to happen.



The Phone Call

I have many country signs in my house.
Some signs are over doorways.
Some signs are hung on the wall.
Some signs are strategically placed here and there in various rooms.

I wanted to find another sign for over the crib that is set up for our expected grandchild.
It was a sign I had actually given my daughter and her husband for their nursery.
I loved what the sign said.
I did not want to get the same sign.



Cover Your Ears

I remember how difficult it is to go shopping when you are potty training a child.
Staying at home is a bit easier since everything is within reach.
However, when you are out shopping with a little one, a moment’s notice is all you get.
It is even more interesting when you have other children with you.

I witnessed this as I walked behind a woman carrying an infant seat.
She walked into the restroom and saw that the large handicapped stall was occupied.
For a mother with young children, the larger stall is such a blessing.
It gives her room to maneuver the infant seat or her other children with relative ease.



A Real Life Fable

The little boy was tired of waiting.
He was being very good.
He was just a bit fidgety.
His five-year-old body just could not stand still for long periods of time.

If he was outside, being fidgety would be perfectly fine.
However, inside, in a public place, with people watching, his fidgety-ness was more noticeable.
At least that is what his mother thought.
The fact that he was being fidgety was quite frustrating to her.



It Matters

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The UPS truck is beginning to deliver the baby items I have ordered for our home.
Until the five items arrive, I receive an email telling me when to expect the delivery.
I then receive another email telling me that the package has been delivered.
It is thorough; it is efficient.

I heard the doorbell around 5:00 in the evening.
I went to the front door that has windows on either side.
I can usually see a figure in the sidelight windows if someone is at the door.
This day, there was no one there so I knew the doorbell rang because it was a delivery.



Things My Mother Taught Me

We learn much from our mothers.
Often, we find that we end up sounding just like them.
That may be a problem for some.
For others, it is a welcome blessing to our heart.

I have taught my own children many things I learned from my own mother.
Sometimes, I may have pointed it out.
Other times, only I knew that it was a lesson that I was once taught.
My mother was often able to put things in one sentence, which encapsulated the truth.



The Book With The Blue Cover

It happened one day each week.
We would all get up from our desks and line up.
After we lined up, we would go out into the hallway.
Once in the hallway, we walked to our destination.

It was library day.
It was the one day a week when we went to the library to choose any book we wanted.
Actually, we could choose any book we wanted from a particular section.
The sections were determined based on the grade you were in at the time.



Learning How To Rest

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Last week as I taught Bible study, I thought I was getting a cold.
It is just this time of year, I told myself.
I will just go to bed early, I decided.
I will just sit on my favorite chair under a blanket with a cup of tea, I determined.

After my husband got home and we had dinner, I knew that going to bed was necessary.
I went to bed the same time my children did when they were small.
Something woke me up at 1:00 in the morning.
It was my son’s birthday.