Category Archives: Motherhood


Chap Stick In Her Pocket

Posted in Motherhood | 2 Comments

My youngest daughter is coming home from college.
She is finished her freshman year.
In hindsight, the months have flown by very quickly.
In the moment, the time seemed endless between visits.

Soon my husband will be home with the minivan filled with storage bins.
Packed liked only an engineer could, the refrigerator will fit like a puzzle piece.
Of course, her move-out day is the hottest day of the year so far.
It is summer weather in May; hot and humid.



The Perfect Refrain

Posted in Motherhood | 6 Comments

I have the privilege of teaching women’s Bible study.
Some of us have been together many years.
Some women are new this year; some coming to a Bible study for the first time.
It is a humble blessing for me to teach these women as we study the Word of God.

We just finished the book of Genesis.
We learned so much from this book of beginnings.
We read firsthand about creation, the Fall, and God’s redemptive plan to save His people.
We were blessed as we realized that God uses flawed people to accomplish His Will.



The Juggler

It was one of those mornings where I had to make a few appointments.
I had my calendar and my post-it pad beside me to write down the dates and times.
My annual eye exam was first on the list with the appointment being made with ease.
The other call was to our car insurance company to repair a crack in my windshield.

It is a small crack that literally happened while my car was parked.
It happened in February when the snow and ice were still on the ground.
I parked next to a building and when I came out, the small crack was there.
Apparently some ice fell from the roof above and landed on my car.



Nest Building

This is the season of nests.
Even though the birds think they are hiding them, their nests can still be seen.
The nests are found as the birds fly back and forth.
It is not difficult to follow their path and know what is tucked among the branches.

I have old rusty gates scattered here and there in my garden.
On those gates hang small birdhouses.
Each year, I am delighted when a particular bird chooses one of those little houses.
I love to watch the nest building process from my dining room window.



A Unique Connection

Posted in Motherhood | 2 Comments

My oldest daughter sent me a link to a video.
She knew that I would like it.
She also knew that I would cry.
She knew that I would see my children and myself in the video.

She was right.
She was right about everything.
I was amazed at how deeply the video touched my heart.
I was encouraged by its profound truth.



The Most Important Job

Posted in Motherhood | 6 Comments

I heard a commercial on news radio this morning that made me sad.
It was a commercial encouraging others to nominate women of influence.
You were to nominate women who have businesses that impact the community.
Women who make a difference in the lives of others through their careers.

A list of possibilities was given at the end of the commercial.
Everything you could possibly think of was mentioned.
Everything except one very important position.
Motherhood was not on the list.



A Parent’s Job

I was in the infant department buying two baby gifts.
Two precious little girls were born days apart.
One little baby was born to the daughter of my dear friend.
My friend is now a grandmother; and we who love her, celebrate with her.

It is so much fun to be in the baby department.
It brings back memories of when I was buying clothes for my children.
With five adult children, it is difficult to ever imagine they were that small.
But they were.



Guarding Childhood

Posted in Motherhood | 2 Comments

I will never forget the day I went into the party store.
It is not a store that I frequently visit, but I was looking for a particular item.
It was late fall and Halloween decorations were everywhere.
I happened to walk into the store with a mother and her little boy in front of me.

I have often heard it said that people do not look up.
We look around, we look back, but up is not a direction we turn very often.
This little boy looked up.
All he saw was a ghoulish figure hovering above him.



Pencil Plans

It is scheduled right in the middle of winter, right when you need it most.
It is a touch of spring when the air is frigid and the snow is on the ground.
It coaxes the next season to come, teasing those who visit with the promise of spring.
The Philadelphia Flower Show will open at the end of the month.

I have never visited the Flower Show.
I was supposed to go years ago, when a day had been on the calendar for a month.
The morning I was supposed to go to the Flower Show was a typical mom morning.
Four children went to school but the littlest one woke up feverish and sick.



A Journal At My Door

Posted in Bible, Motherhood | 2 Comments

If you took an informal poll, many would admit to having one.
Colors would vary.
Places to hide it would be different for each person.
Whether it was private or accessible would be a personal preference.

Me, the writer and me, the lover of words had a hard time keeping one.
I was given quite a few.
Some had locks with a small key that was usually attached with a satin ribbon.
The words on the front would always be the same: My Diary.