
Never Outgrow

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I was thinking about two of my old pencil cases.
How I wish I had saved them.
Something wonderful in first grade may not be so wonderful in the older grades.
I wish I had those pencil cases now for nostalgia’s sake.

My grandchildren would love them.

I was thinking about my first pencil case.
It actually looked like a pencil.
It was soft and had a zipper right below where the eraser was supposed to be.
Upon unzipping the eraser area, I could drop pencils down into the point of the case.



You’re A Writer

Posted in Daily Living | 2 Comments

I remember the assignment.
I remember working at the kitchen table.
I remember reading it to my mother, whose reaction was one of delighted surprise.
You’re a writer, she said confidently.

If confidence could be caught like a germ, I caught it that day.
To have someone believe in your ability, and express it in no uncertain terms, is a gift.
I enjoyed the writing part of the assignment.
I did not like the artistic part of the task.



Small Gestures

The whole family was home to celebrate our oldest daughter’s birthday.
All the bedrooms were full.
A pack and play had to be put into our walk-in closet so our littlest grandson could nap.
The crib was occupied by our almost two-year-old granddaughter, who was also napping.

It was a full weekend.
Lots of conversations, laughter, walks around the neighborhood, and meals together.
Nieces and nephews were celebrating with abandon, as only children can do.
The refrigerator was full when the weekend began.



A Little Boy As He Waited

I found myself in a waiting room last week.
The wait was not long, but it did allow me to people watch a bit.
For me, that is a wonderful way to pass the time.
There is such scope for the imagination, as Anne Shirley of Green Gables would say.

I purposely keep my phone in my pocketbook.
It is amazing that this is the first thing most people do when they are waiting.
I see it in the grocery store line.
I see it in a doctor or dentist’s office.



The Long Cord

Posted in Daily Living | 6 Comments

I do something which my husband does not understand.
I can tell that it bothers him.
Even my oldest daughter finds it strange.
I do not wrap the vacuum cord around the handle like it is designed to do.

I vacuum often and find it annoying to have to stop and unravel the long cord.
When I am finished vacuuming, I simply take the cord and make large loops with my hand.
I hang the lightly looped cord over the handle.
The next time I have to vacuum, the cord is easily plugged into the wall.



Sugar Trail

It was my food shopping day.
I usually go to the grocery store in the morning.
However, this day, my husband and I went out to breakfast with friends.
I knew that I would go to the grocery store in the afternoon.

Every week, I could easily call my grocery order into the store.
Of course, there are variations, but often, I am replenishing the same items.
I am restocking my pantry.
Mostly, I am buying fresh fruits and vegetables that get eaten far too quickly.



The Gift Of Reading

Posted in Discipleship | 4 Comments

It was another Grandma day.
I picked up my oldest granddaughter from school at noon.
She is in kindergarten and goes half day, three days a week, and all day, the other two days.
She ran out of school and gave me a big hug, which of course, warmed my heart.

I had a little snack ready for her in the car.
I was driving her back to our house so she could have lunch with Grandma and Pop-Pop.
I always let her choose the music we listen to as we drive.
This day, she wanted to talk, and talk she did…all the way home.



A Bit Of Negotiating

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When my children were young, there were always little surprises on special days.
Valentine’s Day presents were especially fun.
My husband would send a bouquet of flowers for me with five balloons attached.
He would choose a balloon for each child, knowing which one they would enjoy.

Those balloons were usually tied to the bottom of their bed.
With cathedral ceilings in areas, it was wise to keep the balloons in a room with low ceilings.
Getting the balloons on Valentine’s Day is something they remember fondly.
Now, it’s time for Grandma to think of the next generation.



Banners In The Sky

I am not a beach person per se.
That is a strange truth considering the fact that our entire family goes to the beach each year.
Perhaps it is the fact that we are all together that makes this time so special.
It is not the sun and sand that call to me.

Being Irish and fair skinned, my time at the beach is under the umbrella with lots of sunscreen.
None of us come home with a tan.
A few of us come home, despite our efforts to the contrary, with some sunburn.
Sun kissed rather than sun baked is fine with me.



The Castle Park

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When my children were small, I looked for opportunities to do fun things together.
It was important that those fun things didn’t cost a lot of money.
Discretionary income was not used on frivolities, since there was a budget to consider.
However, fun things could be done that often didn’t cost anything.

Going to the library was a weekly excursion they enjoyed.
Sometimes, getting ice cream after going to the library was the thing to do.
Usually, the place that brought the most joy was right down the street from the library.
My children affectionately called that place, the castle park.